find the differences. One is a
Regional Director of the PDL, friend and pro-tected by Silvio Berlusconi . One is called
Maria Montessori.
(Maybe this will remember it as it is on the banknotes Italian).
One said: If there is a hope for humanity's salvation and help, this help can not come only from the child, because he Man builds .
The other said: "I had a relationship with the President of the Council, and then I also had sexual relations" . It also adds to have received money, but not for sexual performance .. (???)
You guessed it? Did you find the differences?
If you do not understand, here the solution of the test.
How to become a Regional Adviser in 5 easy lessons:
La Stampa
Maria Montessori's quotes:
" Establishing lasting peace is the work of education, all politics can do is keep us out of war" .
"If help and salvation are to like, They can only as from the Children, for the children are the makers of men".
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