Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Usaa Commissioning Loan

pilgrims were nobles or kings from the East, who studied the stars. Followed by a comet that had associated with the birth of the "King of the Jews."
reached Jerusalem they asked Herod to help them find the boy destined to be king of the Jews. Herod claimed to not know where he was, but asked them to return if they had found. Warned in a dream of danger, the three never came back to Herod.
According to an apocryphal gospel their names were Caspar, Melchior and Balthasar and Pope Leo the Great which was fixed the number to three.
The number three can be identified with the Magi, the three races which divides humanity and descending, according to the Old Testament, the sons of Noah.
Gaspar, mystical king of Armenia, the entire left power to his brother Ntikran to look for Jesus was probably a follower of Zoroaster. It was a rude young man, a descendant of Ham, a son of Noah.
Balthazar, king of the desert Arab, was young and dark-skinned, and descended from Japheth, a son of Noah.
Melchiorre was actually the nickname of the Indian Maharaja Ram, who also gave power to his brother to go to Jerusalem together with his friend Tsekinata essay.
The nickname comes from the sentence pronounced 'bowing to baby Jesus:' Cham chior el '(I saw God). He was elderly, with white hair and beard and was descended from Shem, son of Noah.
The Magi brought three gifts to the Christ Child, symbolizing his dual nature as human being and a child of God: the gold, the gift reserved for kings, frankincense, used to worship the altar of God and myrrh, balm for the dead.


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