Meritocracy pussy
Vellum and showgirl, a dental hygienist. Then Silvio
know, we go to bed, and became Regional Councillor .
Source: La Stampa And you wonder if
Italian students are lazy, if the school goes to peak, if
our University does not compare favorably with foreign .
Why study?
Just give it, or give it away, to the right person, right? meritocracy in Italy is this: very bipartisan.
of pussy, or ass
. And sorry
the words a bit vulgar, but by Bunga Bunga
onwards I do not think we can surprise more than anything.
I studied and worked. In my life I had so much, but I worked hard. I have a degree, speaks four languages, I have worked in foreign countries. And this crowd of sciacquette? This business envelopes, gifts, roles,
recommendations? What is this crap?
underage prostitutes, houses, cars? Are You Kidding?