Clams (Chamelea hen) is a bivalve mollusc shells consisting of two strong fan-shaped alike, the family Veneridae.
The term clam, although widespread among all Italian speakers, is from Naples and is derived from the Vulgar Latin conchŭla, diminutive of concha, or conch. The valve of clam are rough to the touch, white-brown, with irregular gray shades, the interior of the shell is rather smooth and yellowish-white.
Although the clam may reach 5 cm, usually not more than 3.5 cm, and lives hidden beneath the sands
seabed, sunk well: to emerge only its siphons are necessary for a clam to eat.
The clam is widespread in the Caspian Sea, the Atlantic and the Mediterranean in Italy is very present in the Adriatic and in those of lower middle Tyrrhenian Sea.
The clam fishing must be done manually, using rakes, as fishing, dredging would be prohibited, although the commercial interests do often "forget" this rule.
boats used for fishing of clams are called "vongolari": they are equipped with hydraulic dredges or suction dredges that penetrate the sandy bottom and crawling, catching clams.
Harvesting of clams is managed by the fishermen's associations.
The breeding of clams is called "venericoltura" and is mainly done on the seabed of the lagoon: fishing on the high rimuneratività of this mollusk, it is increasing illegal fishing and marketing, managed even by mafias. The clams so popular they often contain a high percentage of toxic substances, such as lead, arsenic, mercury: These are then sold in the "black" on restaurant owners who in turn offer them to unsuspecting tourists.
There are different varieties of clams and the main ones are:
- Manila clam (Ruditapes decussatus), is the most common and most appreciated: its meat is known for their sweetness and tenderness.
- Philippines Manila clam (Tapes philipphinarum), darker and intense, the interior of the valve has its purple hues. Originally from the Pacific, has become widespread in Veneto only a few decades ago, is larger than the clam and its meat is less tender.
- Lupino (Dosino exoleta) is characterized by the absence of siphons (horns).
- Longone (Venerupis aurea), it prefers muddy, the shell was very fragile, and therefore subject to failure: its meat is sweet and delicate flavor. ■ When buying
The clam is highly valued by the market: it is primarily marketed alive, as is required by law, but you can also find frozen, shelled or not.
on the packaging for clams must be marked with the EEC, which guarantees the safe sourcing, otherwise, if contaminated, you can catch diseases and also very dangerous virus, such as hepatitis or typhoid. ■ Conservation
■ Clean the kitchen and use
To remove the sand, it is advisable to soak the clams in salted water (with salt) for a minimum of 2 hours through this procedure, the clams are purging; to complete cleaning will be sufficient to rinse in running water, rubbing with a toothbrush.
To open the simplest method is to throw them in a hot pan for a few minutes until the shells do not hatch.
In this way, though there is a risk that the clams lose their delicate flavor and should therefore advisable to open the shellfish with a boxcutter: this way you will also have the ability to store the liquid contained therein, which, once filtered, can be added to cook the clams themselves to accentuate the flavor.
In preparations of mussels, are to avoid long cooking because the meat could harden.
The clam is used for the preparation of pasta like risotto, soups or pasta, but for starters, or seconds, kitchen, for example, in the oven with a thin layer of chopped bread crumbs, garlic and parsley.
■ Properties' nutritional
The clams are rich in vitamin A, vital for the development of the organism: its deficiency can indeed inhibit the growth, lead to deformation of the bones, reproductive organs and the organs of vision.
The clam also contains phosphorus, a structural element of bones and teeth, protein and potassium, essential for the immune system of our body.
Eating a clam is suitable for low-calorie diets: it has a very low intake of fat and contains only 72 Kcal per 100 g.
The term clam is of Latin origin and is derived from conchŭla, that shell.
Caparozzolante is, instead, a designation of origin dialect refers to the catching clams, which in Veneto are just called "caparozzoli" and are caught in the lagoon with particular boats.
The world's oldest living organism ever found is just a clam to the venerable age of 410 years: it was found in the cold waters of Iceland and was immediately subjected to studies to discover the secret of his longevity.
Recipe: Spaghetti with clams
clams in white

Bon appetit!
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